Franco Rivolli

Franco Rivolli


He was born in Lido of Venice in 1979.After obtaing his Arts degreee he has registered at the Art and Message School in Milan,at section of illustration.After obtaing the diploma he started a stage at the studio of Francesca Crovara.He has collaborated with R.A.I. for the realization of some animated short films for the program"The blue treee".At present he is working for what concern school texts, books for children and magazines.Clients: - Paravia Bruno Mondadori - Giunti school - Giunti junior -Ideogramma studio -De Agostini(Petrini) -Roche Diagnostic -Hartcourt Publisher (Oxford,Inghilterra) - Cideb (Blackcat publishing) - Vitality (Hachette-Rusconi Italia e Cina) - Psychologie (Hachette-Rusconi) -Evans(UK) Competitions: In 2003 he has been selected at the international competion of illustration of Chioggia , the competition"Acqua S.Bernardo , in 2004 and 2006 at the International Competition of the Pictor Accademy (TO) , Special Mention at the international competition of Chioggia(VE), Mention of honor at Scarpetta d'oro competition and selected at the international competition "Turin Olympic City", selected for the Italian Illustrators Annual 2008. His illustrations has been exposed in Addis Abeba, Citt? del Messico, Helsinki, Lisbona, Tokyo, Kyoto, Savannah, Venice ect.

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