Giorgio Cavazzano

Giorgio Cavazzano


Born in Venice on October 19th, 1947, Giorgio Cavazzano entered very young the comics world tracing over with ink some disney's stories drawn by his cousin Luciano Capitano. Afterwards he inked some Luciano Gatto and Romano Scarpa's draws, two "Topolino" authors, who both live in Venice; he started ad a Disney's drawer on 1967, becoming soon one of the most original and popular authors. He also drew several minor characters such as "Reginella", written by Carlo Chendi; he drew famous stories such as the "Casablanca" parody. Giorgio cavazzano is a versatile drawer; he made a lot of comics outside the Disney's world such as "Smalto and Johnny", "Altai and Jonson", "Capitan Rogers", "Silas Finn", "Big Bazzoom", "Timoth?e Titan". Since 1988 he has been coordinating the comics production for the French magazine "Pif".

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